After 11 years, LiveWell Greenville gets a new look!

On January 31st, 2022 after eleven years of “Making the healthy choice the easy choice” LiveWell Greenville is rebranding to “Bridging access to healthy eating and active living”. Our new logo, created by Shelby Cohen, illustrates a bridge to symbolize how our collective work as a coalition aims to help everyone in our county have the necessary resources to be able to access and achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Our work has evolved from working mainly within organizations, to impacting systems on the community level that contribute to chronic disease disparities. Access to healthy eating and active living opportunities is not a reality for all people. It takes the WHOLE community to come together to shape the systems that support equitable access to optimal health.
Welcome to the new and improved LiveWell Greenville, where we Amplify Community Power, Advocate for Health Equity and Advance Community Collaboration. Our mission is to champion healthy eating and active living by convening community members and partners to impact policies, systems, and environmental changes.
Amplify Community Power: We amplify community power, engaging those who are most impacted by structural inequities in the process of systemic change that supports equitable access to healthy eating and active living opportunities. We connect, convene, support and facilitate in response to what our community sees as priorities in making healthy living accessible and sustainable – always centering the voices of those closest to the problems.
Advocate for Health Equity: We advocate for structural changes that ensure long-term equitable access to healthy foods and physical activity opportunities. Our work aims to build trusting and inclusive spaces where communities not only have access to health-promoting resources, but feel comfortable utilizing them. We envision a Greenville County where every zip code has comprehensive community infrastructure and support systems that allow individuals to move towards permanent food security, health and wellbeing.
Advance Community Collaboration: We facilitate the collaboration of multiple sectors, partners, and organizations to share expertise, perspectives and resources that promote healthy eating and active living. Convening cross-sector coalitions and workgroups, we build long-lasting relationships that work together to address health disparities and bridge access to community resources.