Best Practice Guidelines
The At Worship workgroup offers guidelines for best practices that support healthy eating and active living through various resources available and technical support provided by the At Worship Specialist and Evaluation Specialist.
Health & Wellness Resources
The At Worship workgroup offers collaborative resources for community health and wellness events held through local houses of worship.
At Worship Toolkit (English)
The LiveWell Greenville At Worship Toolkit is a resource developed to provide houses of worship and congregations with the knowledge, tools, and resources to make healthy physical activity and nutrition changes. Also available in Spanish:
At Worship Toolkit (Spanish)
LiveWell At Worship Resource Matrix
This document has resources organized by policy, systems, environmental and advocacy.
LiveWell At Worship Best Practices
Collection of best practices for Faith Based Wellness Teams to follow in establishing a culture of health in their faith community.
Preaching Better Health
This article features a LiveWell Greenville At Worship success story and highlights Pastor Dogan’s efforts at making the health of his congregates a priority.
Healthy Meeting Toolkit
This toolkit will help your congregation learn best practices for hosting a healthier meeting.
Healthy Snack Resources
Snack suggestions for classrooms, parties or after school programs for children. This guide also includes links to other websites with nutritious snacks and treats.
Healthy Celebration Resources
This useful resource includes practical tips and ideas designed for PTAs, room parents and other volunteers that planning celebrations with children.
Classroom Movement Resources
Schools cannot leave the physical activity requirements up to only the Physical Education teachers. This document includes practical tips for including more movement in the classroom such as brain breaks, active learning or other activities that can be easily incorporated in the classroom. Although discussed as part of a classroom setting, these movement resources can be applied in an out of school setting for after school programs or Sunday-school.
Living Compass
Tools and training for families and congregations for the journey toward wellness and wholeness.
Keep Connected
Support, ideas, activities and experiences to help build strong family relationships to help kids be and become their best selves. . Resource for parents and organizations.
Search Institute
Several free research resources on children and youth and what they need to succeed.